Statement from the Operations Manager at Fields Associates Ltd which processes the data recovery enquiries of several websites.

  • Fields Data Recovery
  • Rapid Data
  • Data Recovery Specialists
  • Salvataggio Dati
  • Pronto Dati
  • Clinique De Donnees
  • Clinica De Datos
  • Recuperacion Express
  • Dataphoenix
  • Datenphoenix

“To keep it basic, there business model is based around revenue regardless on how it's gotten! This generally means at point of sale they tell the customer anything and everything to get there card details, they then process the payment and simply not care and they get what they have paid for when they are ready, that's if they get it.

That's with both action direct and data recovery.​

Sales staff are given targets and if they don't hit them then there sacked. This means sales staff put payments through twice and they keep card details and if towards end of week/month targets are not hit then they process payments on clients cards to make the money up in bank, the MD is aware of this.​

The company has a strict no refund policy and the real truth behind Kate denleys role (solicitor) is to fabricate legal cases to keep the moneyies from clients that have been taken illegally, such as when they put duplicate payments through at the end of month to make up targets, the customer complains that there card has been charged again, we say sorry but not refund it, we then ignore calls and constantly promise a refund untill the customer is forced to contact the bank to and apply for a "charge back, we then provide a comprehensive response to the bank with a fabricated case to say that it was additional work carryed out, we then fabricate client logs to prove our response and make out the client is telling a lie to get there money back, the responses are taylored so the bank has no option but to refuse there client a charge back, basicly turning our stolen duplicate payment into legal cash as they banks conclusion means it's ours, therefore leaving client helpless.

Unless they put a county court claim in like you did yourself, but yet again we do the same here, we only paid you because u were making alot of noise. All that has been discussed was a minute part of my role I was in charge of all these responses, I personally dealt with yours, we brought Kate in to add her name to the responses to deter the bank entering into litigation and making the responses look real in court, rowland I could go on and on!!!”