20 years ago a 4.3GB Samsung Spinpoint sold new at a cost of around £150, today that’s the cost of a 6TB.
Data recovery was up to $5000 in the US and up to £3000 in the UK.
A data recovery company later sold for $20million and another built a $2million cleanroom.
In Europe the market became dominated by Government and EU Grant assisted websites.
The UK created “UK Digital Solutions” UKDS a “Google Partner”.
£97 data recovery and 1000 Partners became the #fieldsdatarecoveryscam.

Pricing in the early 00s was sometimes calculated by megabyte with commissions of 20% to 30% for partners.
Today the cost of data recovery for a dropped 6 Terabyte HDD is cheaper than for a 4.3GB HDD in 2001.
If a Dropped 6TB HDD was able to be transported back to 2001 with failed heads and platter damage it would have been unrecoverable even by good engineers but their time cost if they could would have also been of a magnitude unimaginable today.
But with advent of Fields / Rapid / Data Phoenix the market changed in the “naughties”, with charges of £100s for a fake 12 Page technical report – today a template email is sent.
One thing that has changed is companies like R3 Data Recovery have brought the success rates up and reduced the overall cost of data recovery whilst helping the victims of Fields and their Partners.
Sadly there is one problem that has not changed with the #fieldsdatarecoveryscam it is “sector domination by unrelenting growth”. This was achieved and is maintained by the document spooling Fields Group / Fields Associates using profits made from those scammed, stolen from and defrauded to finance their business and political ambitions.
Dr Jamie Hamilton Wallis MP may have stepped down as Director and Dr Daryl Hamilton Wallis may have sold the Fields Group to Jamie but the same core group of staff operate in much the same way as they always have only now instead of 1000 partners they claim over 9000 partners.
The goal of Fields is to put their detractors out of business even using legal threats, the same approach is sometimes used against their clients who complain.

Consider why Fields have manipulated Trustpilot reviews, and deliberately damage drives after copying the data for their own “nefarious” use.
Fields Data Recovery have been forced to offer “refunds” in the US but the Missouri Attorney General’s Office still failed to comprehend the scale of the scam which has operated for over a decade in the US underpinning Fields finances to dominate in the UK and Europe.
If a drive has been declared unrecoverable in the last month to 20 years by any UK, European or US Fields Group company, Fields Data Recovery Partner or a “Friend of Fields” company get a second opinion.
R3 is one of the few companies which has been able to defend itself against “sector domination” and continue to help many get their data, money and property back from Fields Associates and their Data Recovery Specialists.