If you are a Fields Group employee you may not be aware of why I have helped victims of the data recovery operations. I can be contacted using the web form on this page.

You too may be a victim and wondering how your CV - career and personal finances / wellbeing will be affected. I cannot help you with this.

What I can say is you need to be aware that Europe and North America is waking up and there are many who feel their roles are under threat.

The Fields Data Recovery Scam has rolled on for over 15 years. I appreciate many were not complicit but those linked to the following Fields Trading Names / Websites will be affected:

  • Fields Associates
  • Data Recovery Specialists
  • Rapid Data Recovery
  • Datenphoenix
  • Fields Data Recovery
  • Salvataggio Dati
  • Pronto Dati
  • Recuperacion Express
  • Clinica De Datos
  • Clinique De Donnes

My first spoken communication who I believe to be Dr Daryl Hamilton Wallis was in a phone call 10 years ago (Summer 2008).

I came away from the call in shock after Daryl said he would put me out of my home and business if I revealed how his organisation was deceiving and defrauding consumers and businesses. (fake data recovery technical reports).

Initially I kept my head down until I realised my company was being targeted to be put out of business as I was the closest threat to his domination plans.

Over the following two years my company came under an eWarfare attack with over 30 fake review websites including comparedatarecovery.co.uk and dick-heads.com.

I assisted victims of his company and he attempted to sue me for £25,000 per day damages.

He also had his son Dr Jamie Hamilton Wallis (Westminster Conservative MP for Bridgend Wales) front an ex Parte High Court Injunction that Daryl personally paid £2500 to his operations manager to lie in an affidavit which if read made out I was attempting to destroy his companies servers.

The HCI was granted by Justice Eady and served on me by email, I was looking forward to taking on the case in the High Court but within seconds of being served by a drunken ex police officer / private investigator / gypsy campsite bailiff I was left concussed and later the one witness "the bailiff" stated I should not have survived.

In sustaining neck head and spinal injuries, and was unknowing left with stenosis of the spine and complications which over the following 9 months were treated as whiplash until a full spinal scan revealed a prolapsed disk in my neck and fractured / rotated vertibrae.

The HCI was later dismissed with Daryl paying £70,000 damages and estimated £250,000 costs to prevent being exposed for the perjury and malicious use of the law.

I also successfully defended the separate direct claim against me personally brought by Daryl and Fields Associates Ltd where Fields "mulcted" by the judge and I was also awarded damages.

I have yet to receive compensation for the injuries as a result of the undertakings in damages given for the HCI by his son Jamie - I now realise Jamie is manipulated or guided by Daryl.

I have spoken to Daryl since and been offered substantial sums of money to take down my descriptions of experiences with him and his organisation as "hush money" in lieu of damages for the HCI which I have declined.

My companies reviews were again attacked by his team 2 years ago and again it impacted my company and I have retaliated online actively.

Daryl hides behind a corporate image of professionalism, expert witness status and sector domination.

There is a definite professionalism about how he operates and does deals and engages barristers, solicitors and advisors to secures funding but it hides situations which when exposed will show a £multimillion fraud.

I can show a significant amount of his organisations income and funding has been secured through defrauding consumers, holding to ransom schools, businesses and charities.

I have found that the best defense against the attacks has been to counter his organisations misinformation and find other victims.

If you are not already aware I can be contacted directly or found on Linkedin - come with "clean hands".

#whistleblowers #unfairenrichment #fieldsdatarecoveryscam #trustjacked